Sunday, August 11, 2013


A monk decided to pray for the contentment of his sick friend.
He prayed every moment. One day, in the temple's path, he was absorbed in his prays.
In the crowd, walking back from the temple was a monk's friend. When this guy saw the monk, he thought: 'The strange monk is there. When he goes to my house, he likes to eat and drink everything that I put in the table. Today, when he knows that I'm sick, he ignores me. Hopefully, he will stumble and fall down, when he turns at the corner”.
In the path, the monk was grateful remembering. Walking, he continued praying.

Un monje decidió rezar por el bienestar de su amigo enfermo.
Lo hacía en todo momento. Un día, camino al templo, quedó abstraído en dichos rezos.
Entre la multitud que venía de regreso, estaba el amigo, quien al verlo pensó: “Ahí va el monje loco. Cuando va a mi casa come y bebe todo lo que pongo en la mesa. Hoy me sabe enfermo y me ignora. Ojalá tropiece y caiga al doblar la esquina”.
El monje recordaba y estaba agradecido. Caminando, siguió rezando.

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